Aggeliki Bechraki


Aggeliki Bechraki was born in Kalamata, Messinia. She has the right of appearance in the High Court and she was admitted to Athens Bar in 2016, while in 2019 she transferred to the Kalamata Bar Association.


She graduated from the Athens Law School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (degree grade Upper Second-Class Honours), and she holds a Master Degree in Civil Law from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (master degree grade First Class Honours).


Moreover, she is proficient in the English (Michigan Proficiency C2) and the German (Goethe Certificate C1) language, she holds a Degree ECDL, and has attended numerous conferences and seminars in the field of Civil, Commercial, Labor and Criminal Law.


She worked as a trainee lawyer in the Legal Council of the State, in particular in the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, and then as a lawyer in a law firm in Athens, where she gained valuable legal experience, handling cases of individuals and legal entities in most areas of law.


Since 2019, she has been practicing law in Kalamata, active at the same time before all Greek courts. She practices in most areas of the law, specialized in the field of civil law (properties, contracts, family law, inheritance law, tort lawsuit and contractual liability, land registry etc.)


“Είχαμε την καλή τύχη και τη χαρά να συνεργαστούμε με το δικηγορικό γραφείο της κ. Μπεχράκη για την εξ αποστάσεως διεκπεραίωση αρκετά περίπλοκων και χρονοβόρων υποθέσεων, που προϋπέθεταν όχι μόνο εξειδικευμένη γνώση, αλλά και λεπτομερή και συστηματική ενασχόληση.

Η κ. Μπεχρακη με το εξαίρετο ήθος, τον επαγγελματισμό, τη συνέπεια και την ευγένεια που τη διακρίνουν, ανταποκρίθηκε άριστα στις απαιτήσεις της ανάθεσης και των καθηκόντων που ανέλαβε. Την ευχαριστούμε θερμά.”


Ζ. Κοσλίδου, Αθήνα


“Ms Bechraki recently submitted on my behalf a total of twenty applications to the Land Registry on time and after thorough scrutiny on her part of all title deeds and related documents. She proved to be both proactive and reliable. Ms Bechraki is genuinely affable and helpful and is the sort of person I will go to for my legal needs and dealings with the Greek state. Strongly recommended.

Pros: Meticulous, Readily available, Professional, Reasonable rates
Cons : None”

Τheo Tsakiris, Athens


“Vor einigen Monaten waren wir auf der Suche nach einem Rechtsanwalt, der uns bei diversen behördlichen Problemen weiter helfen konnte.Wir fanden Frau Angeliki Bechraki, die uns in allem sehr kompetent beraten und geholfen hat. Daß sie ausgezeichnet deutsch spricht hat das Ganze noch wesentlich vereinfacht.

Wir können sie guten Gewissens jedem empfehlen, der mit der griechischen Bürokratie bzw. auch der Sprache nicht alleine zurechtkommt.”


Hermann und Monika, Μani